Orders are currently shipping out between 2-3 business days if the item shows "in stock". If product availability does not match the lead time shown here, the product availability lead time prevails. We will send a shipment confirmation including tracking number when your item ships.
Orders will ship in the order that they are received. Express shipping options are not available on our website, as there is often confusion about express shipping meaning the order will ship immediately. If you have a time-sensitive order, call us at 256-533-1977 and ask our representative for a ship date when you order, so that you have accurate expectations.
Orders are processed Monday through Friday(excluding major holidays) during normal business hours. There is not "cut-off" for same day shipping, as we can rarely get something shipped the same day. If we can, we will of course.
You may return damaged or defective merchandise within 10 days of the original purchase date. We require that you contact us before returning the item to allow us to work with you on the issue. If you presume the product is defective without contacting us first, this return policy is not made available to you.
You may return items that you do not need or ordered by mistake within 30 days. This will require the product to be new, in original packaging, and 100% unused. If you unwrap/unbox the product, you are responsible for re-wrapping and packaging the product for return. We do not refund shipping charges for these types of returns. If you misrepresent the condition of the return, no refund will be given and you will be responsible for paying shipping to get your item back.
Returns for items purchased from dealers are not accepted at any time. If you purchase our product from a Pit Bull dealer, you are bound by that dealer's return policy.
Please note that our return policy is the result of many years of customers requiring us to rewrite policy. If you are reasonable, we will always work with you to arrive at a reasonable solution. Let us know if you have any issues that we can help with.
Flat rate economy shipping is available on most in-stock items when ordering $150 or more and shipping to the contiguous United States. We will ship via FedEx or UPS when you select the economy flat rate. You may not specify UPS or FedEx if selecting the flat rate option. If you wish to select the carrier, select that carrier when checking out and pay their quoted shipping rate.
US dealers refer to dealer packet for shipping cost details.